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You are viewing: Home » Anna Sweet Iron FSS™ Mouthpiece

By Fager

Product Code: MPANNA

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MPANNA Anna Sweet Iron FSS™ Mouthpiece



Anna Sweet iron Mouthpiece goes with the Otto combination bit. When you order a mouthpiece for your combination bit, please select a size that's 1cm larger.
Please understand: We make the mouthpieces just for you once you order. So, you can't return or exchange them. We create them from our standard loose ring bits to fit your needs. This lets us give you a variety of mouthpiece options and sizes for your custom bit!

Fager Anna is a good choice if you would describe your horse as the following;

Finds difficulty in seeking connection towards the bit.
Falls constantly behind the bit.
Sticks the tongue out/chew frantically at the bit.

Fager Anna is a single-jointed bit incorporating Fager’s Smart System FSS™, an innovative design which creates a unique three-way locking system to prevent the bit from overbending which can cause discomfort and pain.

The key difference between regular lockups and FSS™ is more significant than you might initially think as the FSS™ continues to work through all head positioning.:

When working in a low position (e.g. stretching out) or a higher position (e.g. over a jump), the closure continues to work, even if the reins pull the bit upwards; making the bit turn downwards – this is where a regular lockup would fail. Therefore our FSS™ is considerably more forgiving against any unexpected movements of your hands.

Fager Anna is also a great solution for youngsters as it lies still inside the mouth and doesn’t take up too much space.

If you have a sensitive horse and are searching for a gentle, kind bit, Anna is definitely worth a try. It is also perfect to alternate with other bits to improve communication work by alternating the pressure points.

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