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You are viewing: Home » Carl Titanium Mouthpiece

By Fager

Product Code: MPCARL

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MPCARL Carl Titanium Mouthpiece



Carl Titanium Mouthpiece goes with the Otto combination bit. When you order a mouthpiece for your combination bit, please select a size that's 1cm larger.
Please understand: We make the mouthpieces just for you once you order. So, you can't return or exchange them. We create them from our standard loose ring bits to fit your needs. This lets us give you a variety of mouthpiece options and sizes for your custom bit!

Fager Carl is a good choice if you would describe your horse as the following;

Can be inconsistent in the connection.
Fussy in the contact.
Strong, usually leans/pulls on the bit.
Sensitive to pressure from the bit.
Refuses to accept the bit or will only accept it for short periods.
Drops/chews on the bit, generally feeling uncomfortable.
Carl is a durable and lightweight double-jointed Titanium bit, designed with the sensitive horse in mind. Carl offers that extra bit of everything, just when you need it!

Designed to follow the natural shape/contour of the mouth, Carl has a short centrepiece that lays flat against the tongue, eliminating any palate interference. It breaks towards the outside of the tongue, softening excessive pressure to the centre of the tongue, allowing a more consistent feel across the mouth.

Using Carl for a horse with a sensitive tongue you will discover that they become more willing to accept the contact and start to enjoy their work.

Carl even suits horses whose mouth conformation has a low palate combined with a big tongue; this combination being extremely difficult to find suitable bits for.

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