By Bombers Bits
Product Code: BBHTDCM
This is available with a 30-day trial
This is not dressage legal
BBHTDCM Bombers DC Morgan happy tongue Swivel
The reins are attached to the large dee, which swings open independently of the cheekpiece. The Mouthpiece is fixed to the cheekpiece with a solid surface area to encourage flexion
The Key Feature of the Cheekpiece is the loose ring which attaches to the bridle which can also rotate, ensuring the poll and cheek area is relieved from rein engagement
Please note a small change to the DC Morgan. A last-minute addition, all the original functionality stays the same. Bomber found in competition conditions a small percentage of horses required some leverage of the mouthpiece. A loop was added to provide the rider this option.
Size Conversion Chart
105mm - 4”
110mm - 4 ¼”
115mm - 4 ½”
120mm – 4 ¾”
125mm – 5”
130mm – 5 1/8”
135mm – 5 ¼”
140mm – 5 ½”
145mm – 5 ¾”
150mm – 6”
155mm – 6 1/8”
160mm – 6 ¼”
165mm – 6 ½”
Customer Reviews
Average customer rating:
This bit has completely changed my horse's way of going with noticable results from the first time I used it! After trying every mouthpiece and cheek piece combination available I decided to give this a go. My horse has gone from being unbearably strong and argumentative to polite and quiet to ride. He is far more stable and secure in the contact and no longer constantly pulls, unless we are doing anything exciting - which is where the loops are a great help just to get a bit of extra control when I need it! I love it so much that have also purchased the dressage legal version which he goes equally as well in as he is now happy to accept the contact and work over his back - our dressage marks have improved by 10 points since changing to this bit and we now receive comments such as 'relaxed' rather than 'tense and stiff'
I have a very sensitive Icelandic who has been resistant to every bit I have ever used. He would go above the bit, behind it, open his mouth and use every method he could to avoid it, despite me being told I was good with my hands. This bit has helped to create a much more relaxed and listening horse happy to wait, come up into the bridle and not rush. He seems happy and comfortable and we are now doing so much better in training! Thank you Horsebitbank for the advice. I am super pleased!
This bit is brilliant. Totally changed my boys way of schooling, No more arguements, head shaking or lolling his tongue out the side of his mouth. I now have a horse that concetrates on the job in hand.