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You are viewing: Home » Fager Lisa fixed ring

By Fager

Product Code: lisafx

This is available with a 30-day trial

This is dressage legal

lisafx Fager Lisa fixed ring



Fager Lisa is a good choice if you would describe your horse as the following;
Needs to keep a stable contact.
Constantly falls behind the bit.
Sticks the tongue out.
Frantically chews at the bit.
A younger horse.

An anatomical straight bit designed with specific pressure distribution to ensure complete comfort for the horse.

Lisa's design provides the best shape for a horse that a straight bit can have, following the natural contours of the horse's mouth.

Lisa is the perfect choice to use alongside your other bits. We at Fager always recommend alternating between different bits, to constantly switch the pressure points to maintain clear, precise communication.

Fagers Basic line has the same amazing quality and elaborated designs, just with a more affordable standard stainless steel material.
Observe, the basic line does not include velvet bags

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