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You are viewing: Home » Bombers Happy Tongue Beval Wilkie

By Bombers Bits

Product Code: BBHTBEV

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BBHTBEV Bombers Happy Tongue Beval Wilkie



Key Features

The Wilkie utilizes pressure on the poll and raises the bit in the horse’s mouth to achieve additional control without resorting to a stronger mouthpiece.

This is similar to the action of a ring bit but to a milder degree which is why it has found favor for use on ponies.

The Happy Tongue is a solid mouthpiece uniquely ported to give maximum tongue relief. The standard Happy Tongue is curved to be softer on the bars and slow in applying tongue pressure.


The cheekpiece is available in 2 sizes, standard and a slightly smaller model for a pony. Bomber highly recommends using a bit strap on a loose ring, as it stabilizes and minimizes the mouthpiece sliding through the mouth. Consider bit rubbers as a precaution.


This is by far our most successful design – we recommend for all young horses and those that show tongue sensitive signs. The 4 available ports have been scaled according to each width. This ensures accurate fitting over the bars and eliminates the rocking movement which occurs when the port is too wide. The Happy Tongue is also available as a straight mouthpiece which is slightly stronger.

Our pony bits feature cheekpieces that are a ¾ scale version of our standard bits.

All our bits are made from blue sweet iron, because it:

  • oxidises easily
  • encourages salivation
  • helps bit acceptance
  • is warm and sweet

Please note the blue will fade with use.

Size Conversion Chart

105mm - 4”
110mm - 4 ¼”
115mm - 4 ½”
120mm – 4 ¾”
125mm – 5”
130mm – 5 1/8”
135mm – 5 ¼”
140mm – 5 ½”
145mm – 5 ¾”
150mm – 6”
155mm – 6 1/8”
160mm – 6 ¼”
165mm – 6 ½”

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