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You are viewing: Home » Sprenger Novocontact Eggbutt lozenge 16mm sensogan

By Sprenger Bits

Product Code: 40356-78

This is available with a 30-day trial

This is dressage legal

40356-78 Sprenger Novocontact Eggbutt lozenge 16mm sensogan



Uniquely shaped, especially sensitive.

novocontact bits are designed to create a unique oval shape which widens the contact surface on the tongue while the rider keeps a steady contact. As the rider gives a rein aid the mouthpiece turns forward and the contact surface gets narrower, ensuring more precise and effective communication.

novocontact bits improve the interaction between horse and rider for a better contact and acceptance of the bit.

The double jointed novocontact bits are ideal to use on horses that occasionally tend to pull against the hand, but are too sensitive to be ridden with stronger bits.

The mouthpiece is fixed to the rings, keeping the bit steady in the horse’s mouth and therefore ensuring more precise and direct impact on the tongue compared to a loose ring snaffle. Due to the smooth transitions to the side parts it is especially protecting the mouth corners. Furthermore, the additional contact surface from the cheeks on the mouth corners supports guarding and sideways acting rein aids.

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