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You are viewing: Home » Sprenger HO weymouth 12mm thickness NEW for 2017 - 7cm shanks SENSOGAN

By Sprenger Bits

Product Code: 42272-78

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This is dressage legal

42272-78 Sprenger HO weymouth 12mm thickness NEW for 2017 - 7cm shanks SENSOGAN



This unique Weymouth with its slanting mouthpiece and a smooth, rounded port is angled forward and has fine distribution of pressure on the tongue.

The bit takes advantage of the exceptional sensitivity of the tongue ensuring precise rein aids. Suitable for horses that dislike tongue pressure.

Brilliant for introducing a horse gently to a Weymouth bit. The slanting mouthpiece encourages the harmony between the rider’s hand and the horse’s mouth providing a relaxed and secure contact to the Weymouth.

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